Our Story

The story of Hands for life Irvine is one of opportunity. As a new branch of Hands for Life, we are excited to start giving back to the community. With hearts to serve and a passion for helping, Hands for Life gives us opportunity to serve and help the community and around the world. Going to chiropractic school and learning the philosophy and principle of chiropractic has taught us so much about what health really is and what it means to have control of your life. Our bodies are such an amazing organism which self-healings, and self-regulates. Removing inference of that self-healing and self-regulating is what allows healing and health to take place. Can you think of your number one asset in life? I would guess it to be your health. Without health what do you have? Hands for life is all about giving health back to the under privileged in the community and across the world. In 2014, Hands for life went over to India and served 7200 plus people in 4 days. Also, in 2014 Hands for life served over 6000 children and adults in Mexico. So as stated earlier this is a story of opportunity and new beginnings. We are so excited to give back and guide the community back on course to health and function, and return the power of health back to the individual. We are part of the equation and would love for you to be part of it as well. So lets join in as one and help create a healthier more wholesome community and world!

Our Mission

To create a natural avenue for the underserved, financial hard-shipped population throughout the world to regain their health through:

  1. Chiropractic care creating an efficiently running nervous system,
  2. Accessible clean water and healthy food,
  3. The opportunity to have a superior education so that each person can reach their god given potential and create a healthier world tomorrow.

Our Purpose

Hands For Life is a non profit 501(c)3 that prides itself on looking for the “greater good” within each individual on God’s planet.  We understand there may be a divide that separates people based on culture, ethnicity, race, etc., and Hands For Life sees these difference’s as reasons to unite as one!  Just like a rainbow has different colors, those colors makes up its inherent beauty.  HFL sees the same inherent beauty within all people on our planet.   Our differences and individual  uniqueness’ make our world more exciting, more educational and more real.  Hands For Life is dedicated to creating a healthier world while honoring the differences amongst us.  We travel the globe to touch lives and educate  people about health.  Through chiropractic and a natural lifestyle, along with water, food and education, Hands For Life sees its role as a facilitator to unleash the God given potential residing within each person.  Sustainability, empowerment, better health and self sufficiency are what we leave behind after we touch so many.  Our goal is simple: to make sure every man, woman and child have a high functioning nerve system, enough food and water for great nutrition, and an education so they can read, write,  and have the basic skills so they can thrive and thus make a better contribution to the world.

Our Team

We’re a family of chiropractors serving to make the world a healthier, more connected place. Our team understands the disparity in healthcare across the globe. There are some communities with access to excellent chiropractic care. There are other groups of people who have no way of receiving the benefit of chiropractic care. Our team came together to try and shrink the gap between the “haves” and the “have not’s”.

Dr. Brian Harbin is a chiropractor. He graduated from LACC. Brian loves helping people go from a state of DIS-ease to a state of health and function and that is why he became a chiropractor. He is married to his wife Alexandra Harbin and they both serve in Hands for Life. Brian has been on mission trips to Mexico as well as serving locally with Healing Hands for Humanity.
Brian Harbin

President/ Board member

Alex comes from a chiropractic family. Alex has attended chiropractic seminars her entire life and has grown up on the philosophy. She currently is a nutritionist and her father’s office. Alex has a degree in health science from California State University Fullerton, and also a First Line Therapy certification. Alex has served been a part of missions trips since she was 12 years old and loves serving and giving back to the community. Alex also has a passion for working with kids with spectrum disorders through neuro-feedback.
Alexandra Harbin

Secretary and Treasurer

Hutton is a kinesiology graduate from California State University, Fullerton. He works as a middle school teacher and dean of students at a private school in San Juan Capistrano, California. Hutton’s passion for serving others is what led him to start a clubs program at the school where students and teachers are able to reach out to the community and help those in need. Hutton’s wife, Ashley, is the director of outreach at the same school and they both work diligently to get as many young people involved as possible. Hutton hopes that Hands for Life, Irvine can have a positive impact on the lives of those in our community, our country, and the world.
Hutton Fitch

Board member

David Pickett has a marketing degree from California State University Fullerton. He has been apart of missions since he was very young. He has participated in mission work in Mexico for many years. David found Hands For Life through a friend and was driven by the love and caring of the organization to become a board member at 30. His passion for others and joy from helping makes us strive to create a better world through sacrifice.
David Pickett

Board member